Just a Normal Kid or Maybe Not.

Living with walter mitty syndrome has been very interesting, i don't know when it started but it was sometime before age 10. I remember it got worse at 10 because I was homeschooled at this age (big mistake) this just gave me more time to indulge in this fantasy world. I don't know why I'm suffering from this because I'm happy in fact God has been overly good to me and I've never had imagery friends or an over active imagination. The people in my fantasy have weird names I don't know their race and everything about them is unrealistic I think it's because of the shows I watch mostly anime but any type show can trigger it and I'm instantly hurled into a fantasy world. Other than having super powers the characters seem more or less real but there is another twist all of the characters especially the main character is a sexual deviant. so each episode is filled with violence and sex. At 18 when I was finally baptized this syndrome seemed to disappear but it just recently came back for no apparent reason. I'm 20 now and stopping seems hopeless it's an addiction that can't be broken by will alone I've tried many times. I feel I'm living a double life because everyone thinks I'm some sweet kid but if they only knew what went on in my head.


Anonymous said...

I too have Walter Mitty Syndrome. Our symptoms match up exactly. I'm 16 and I'm trying to be a Christian. I have a gut wrenching feeling that, because I have an addicted to thinking about sex and violence all the time that this is a terrbile sin. You said that you were able to suppress it for an entire year. You also said that you've gotten counsel for it. My longest time I have made it with out day dreaming was a few weeks. How did you do it for an entire year? Also do you view this as a sin? When you told friends about this addiction how did they react?

Anonymous said...

Hi i'm 18 and have maladaptive daydreaming (same thing as walter mitty only you perform repetetive movements like pacing or rocking back and forth) and im also a decently devout christian and I tend to justify my immoral daydreams as just getting my frustrations out. My main character is... violent, sexually immoral, and into hard drugs lol. but if I'M not doing these things I feel like its just a way to get the "wild teenager" out of me so i can be a good kid in real life.

Anonymous said...

I believe I also "suffer" from this syndrome. Unlike other posters on this page, I'm not particularly religious. I'm openly gay, a popular kid and live a normal middle class life. Yes, I smoke and drink, and have dabbled in a few drugs (nothing too hardcore) and this is reflected in my daydreams, but not particularly by myself (i am the main character, practically the same as i am in reality but with some 'upgrades' as it were). When in intense sessions of daydreaming, I experienced involuntary muscle spasms which correspond with events occurring in my mind. Sometimes I find myself pacing, but not constantly. My characters and storylines are taken from various genres; anime, dramas, sci-fi and fantasy, but I also take people I know in reality and involve them, most of the time little tweaks. I write myself and everyone else into existing storylines, intertwining them into one reality. There is a strong sense of continuity in my world, and try to stick to what I've already created.

Anonymous said...

Hi, I'm a 47 year old mother of three with the same condition. My son, age 24, also has it. I can tell you now that this doesn't go away. And yes the sexual issues have been a challenge for me. My son has gone the other way. He thinks everyone is a whore and doesn't trust relationships. For me and my son, we have found it difficult to keep a job, we play scenes out in our head until we loose interest, then cycle on to the next event. In my mind I feel as young as you are, but others are constantly reminding me that I should act my age. I thought I was. I have found that I have to completely shut myself off from anything that stimulates imagination. TV shows like the walking dead turned me into a prepper waiting for the zombie apocalypse. My son also went through this. Good luck gang. I wish you the best.

Anonymous said...

I dont suffer from Walter Mitty Syndrome, i enjoy it. just like you i watch a lot of anime and often take the story in my own direction.